Jewellery in Covid 19 Time

Covid 19 effects negatively our everyday life and mainly all the economic sectors. It is not clear, at least until now when this humanitarian dilemma will be resolved, however, we must adapt to this situation and then try to enjoy our life during this time. After several months of suffering, the jewellery industry starts a new way of thinking to tackle this new life.

Recently, the jewellery industry has shown resilience through these testing times and used technology to showcase the intrinsically created pieces to buyers across the globe on their virtual platform, and websites.

For a long time, the jewellery industry was far from electronic markets, and its traditional trade remained in the shops for sale directly, but due to this pandemic and its consequences as the lock-down imposed by many countries, this trade began to shift to electronic markets, giving it a greater opportunity to recover. We expect that the industry’s recovery will be gradual by the beginning of the next year.


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